Did you ever wish that you could travel to the Holy Land for a pilgrimage?
For most of us moms, that's a pretty unlikely prospect. But the good news is that there's a new book out that will give you a great glimpse into the life and experiences of a pilgrim. In The Holy Land: An Armchair Pilgrimage, not only will you virtually travel to Israel, but you'll do so in the company of the amazing Fr. Mitch Pacwa, S.J. We know Fr. Mitch for his amazing work on EWTN and his other books, but he has also lead 59 groups to the Holy Land. When you travel with Fr. Mitch, you don't only see the sites -- you come into deeper communion with the spiritual beauty of the Holy Land. That is what is truly conveyed in The Holy Land: An Armchair Pilgrimage. With Pope Francis' upcoming trip to Israel, the timing for this book couldn't be more perfect.
Here's some information from the book's publisher, Ascension Press, on what you'll find between the covers:
What's the next best thing to going on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land with Fr. Mitch Pacwa? Being able to travel with him from the comfort of your home as the holy sites come to life through the pages of this book. With stunning images and thoughtful commentary, The Holy Land: An Armchair Pilgrimage is more than your typical travel guide. It also contains:
- A short commentary on each site, explaining its importance in salvation history
- A meditation for you to consider, encouraging questions such as, “What can I learn from this place? Why does it matter to me?
- Prayers that Fr. Mitch uses on his annual pilgrimages, focusing on a personal faith response to the spiritual events commemorated at each site.
Travel with Fr. Mitch to the sites of all twenty mysteries of the rosary, as well as other significant spots in the history of Israel and in the life of Jesus. Whether you've been to the Holy Land, plan to travel there one day, or prefer to stay in your armchair, this classic book will be a beautiful addition to your library.
This Book Is Ideal...
As a Pilgrim's Guide to enhance a trip to The Holy Land
As a Historical Guide filled with facts and scriptural references, explaining each site that Jesus Christ lived and died
As a Spiritual Guide to The Holy Land through stunning images, thoughtful commentary at each site, scriptural references, and prayers, in relation to Salvation History
As a Prayer Companion for the Stations of the Cross
As a Meditative Guide while Praying the Rosary and for Marian Feast Days
As a Daily Meditative Guide for Special Feast Days and Holy Days throughout the Year
For someone not able to personally travel to The Holy Land
As a Gift-giving idea for Weddings, Christmas, Birthdays and Anniversaries
For those wanting to learn and visit The Holy Land from the Comfort and Safety of their own Living Room.
Read a FREE sample of the book here!
This book would make a perfect gift, but once you see it, I know you'll want a copy of The Holy Land: An Armchair Pilgrimage for yourself!
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Copyright 2014
About the Author

Lisa M. Hendey
Lisa M. Hendey is the founder of CatholicMom.com, a bestselling author and an international speaker. A frequent radio and television guest, Hendey travels internationally giving workshops on faith, family, and communications. Visit Lisa at LisaHendey.com, on her Substack at LisaHendey.Substack.com, or on social media @LisaHendey for information on her speaking schedule or to invite her to visit your group, parish, school or organization. Find Lisa’s books on her Amazon author page.