We're in the midst of celebrating the First Holy Communions of our daughter Bridget and our Godson Axel. Once again faced with choosing First Holy Communion gifts, I'm looking for something a little different from a Rosary, a Missal or a Bible, as I suspect they will receive those awesome First Communion necessities from others.

Let me share with you FOUR pretty unique ideas for First Holy Communion gifts! If you'd like a bigger selection, please visit Equipping Catholic Families

Cool to be Catholic Sacrament Gifts and Thinking Outside the Box Sacrament Gifts.

Prayer Pillowcases St Michael
Prayer Pillowcases are available in over 30 different designs!  Original artwork of the Saints, Jesus, Mother Mary and Angels are accompanied by special prayers printed right on the pillowcase. You can even have your child's name printed on the pillowcase!

Faith Journal

Hand in Hand with Jesus is a the Catholic version of a Baby Book or "All about Me" book, tracing all 7 Sacraments with Catechism questions (all the answers are in the back!) and thoughtful prompts for a special Faith Journal. The second half of the book focuses on a developing prayer life and relationship with Jesus.

Saint Mail

Saint Mail is an awesome subscription service! Each month, the child receives a special package about a particular Saint for the month, complete with a holy medal, Holy Card magnet, at least one special craft, sometimes a coloring page reflecting the Liturgical Season and a beautiful authentic-looking letter from the perspective of the Saint.

Dragon Slayers

Dragon Slayers is a great book that presents the sins and vices as dragons and trains the eager 8-12 year old how to conquer them. It is such a cool book! It also teaches about the Dragon Slayers of Old…23 Saints and holy figures who are our mentors in the Faith! If you purchase through the Arma Dei Shoppe, we will send you a complimentary Dragon Slayers Progress Report PDF to print for all the little Dragon Slayers who live in your house.

Looking for MORE ideas? Visit Equipping Catholic Families Cool to be Catholic Sacrament Gifts and

Thinking Outside the Box Sacrament Gifts.

Copyright 2014, Monica McConkey