When God wants to get our attention, He uses the most open soul who happens to be available to Him at the moment. Often it is his littlest ones who are not controlling but responsive to the Holy Spirit. Sometimes, God even speaks to us through infants.

I was shocked the first time that I experienced this powerful touch of God through an infant. Years ago, I had been struggling to centre myself in the Lord’s presence while I nursed one of my babies.

Cassatt_Mary_The_Young_Mother_(Mother_Berthe_holding_her_baby)_c._1900I was tired, actually I was exhausted and felt completely depleted. I could not concentrate. I  could not pray. I COULD NOT CONNECT OR FEEL THE  PRESENCE OF GOD,

when …

An unexpected flow of heat, the fire of God’s love flowed into me. Joy bubbled up, I started smiling, felt invigorated, my head cleared and all the tension left my muscles.

I heard these words, silently within me,

“I move how I want, when I want. You cannot control my Spirit or manipulate me because I am the Lord of your spirituality, not you. And at this moment, I choose to move through the most open soul here, your infant. She is my daughter, made in my image. Relax. Humble yourself and let me heal you through your baby.

Ponder: What is God trying to tell me through my children?

God open my eyes and ears to hear your word as spoken through your smallest friends, our children.

Copyright 2014, Melanie Jean Juneau

Painting: "The Young Mother," by Mary Cassatt