Okay, show of hands -- how many of you are on Pinterest?

Yeah, me too. 

I was slow to get there, and tend to binge-pin, staying away for a while and then visiting late at night and going a bit crazy with pins of shoes, cakes, and pictures of beaches that promise lots of rest and relaxation and very little reality.

pin the prayer on the catholic

As it turns out, Pinterest isn’t just about escaping. In fact, it’s a great resource for things besides shopping and recipes, including insight and information on our faith. Type “Catholic” or “Catholicism” into the search box and you get pins of everything from holy cards and rosaries to patron saints and Pope Francis.

But I like to know that my sources are valid, so that leaves me two choices: following pinners I trust (like catholicmom.com’s very own Lisa Hendey and Sarah Reinhard) or relying on resources I go to in other formats. Two of those are Our Sunday Visitor and Catholic Digest.

Visit Our Sunday Visitor Catholic on Pinterest and you’ll find boards on topics ranging from liturgical seasons to Catholic bloggers. As an author (though not through OSV), I especially like the OSV Authors Rock! (Sometimes literally) board, but parents might prefer the boards on Catholic Tech and Social Media and Teaching Catholic Kids. My most recent pin from the OSV boards (“How to Pray a Novena”) came from their Rosary and Prayer Board.

Catholic Digest’s boards are similarly helpful. Topics are more lifestyle oriented (Tips!, Inspiration, Meatless Fridays), but you’ll find inspiration on more sacred topics as well. Much like anything else, the tone of the boards matches the tone of the publication. 

As with so many other topics on Pinterest, I know these boards just scratch the surface of what’s out there. If you’re on Pinterest, what good Catholic information have you found? Share in the comments below!

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Copyright 2014 Lisa Hess