If someone were to ask me about wasting things and about wasting time, I’d say I don’t like it. Yet, if I’m honest, there’s been much in my life that I’ve wasted. I’d love to relive those moments of waste and fill them instead with something of value. We all know that can’t be done though. A moment lived, wasted or not, is gone forever. That’s why we have to be so careful of how we spend our time. So careful of how we treat others. So careful of our immortal souls. Because we are indeed immortal. There is life after this one.
Our individual choices on Earth mean a great deal. What happens in our one, long moment here affects not only ourselves, but others as well. When we are born, we are charged to make a difference in the world around us. And each of us will surely make a difference in some way. Sometimes the difference we make here on Earth will be very constructive and valuable, though we may not realize it at the time. And sometimes the difference we make will be destructive. This usually comes when we consider only ourselves and not others, when we act in anger, when we neglect our responsibilities, when we put inanimate things ahead of the living hearts who need us.
I pray for insight into what is important.
I don’t want to put off the others in my life.
I don’t want to just “Do Me.”
I don’t want to waste one more valuable moment.
Life is too beautiful for that.
Copyright 2014 Kaye Hinckley
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