
Today's Gospel: Matthew 10:1-7

As we think about the New Evangelization of the Church and what that means for each of us, how do we begin? How can we make evangelization and spreading the news that “the kingdom of God is at hand” a part of our daily lives?

In this passage, Jesus seems to be directing his disciples to begin by seeking out their own…those “lost sheep of the house of Israel,” as he calls them. Instead of going to far-flung towns and new territories, he asks the newly minted apostles to begin with those who already belong to the family.

It is sometimes easier for me to imagine taking the Gospel to a remote village in Africa where people might have never heard the story than it is to think of inviting someone to come back to the Church who might have fallen away. I have a hard time thinking about asking my “lapsed Catholic” friends what’s keeping them from coming to Church. Somehow, the idea of approaching these people with an invitation to Mass seems so difficult…even more difficult than taking the message of Christ’s love halfway around the world.

I’m not sure why I’m so hesitant. These people belong to Christ, too. Maybe they are just waiting for a reason to come back to the Church. Maybe they just need an invitation. I guess it is possible that my friendly invitation might seem intrusive to them, and they might be angry that I asked and never speak to me again. Although this is a small possibility, the good that might be done by my choosing to talk with them could be worth so much. I need to find a way to take the risk.


How can we best reach out to the inactive Catholics we know and show our love and concern for them?


God, please show me ways this week that I can help your kingdom come by reaching out to those around me and sharing your love with them.

Copyright 2014 Abbey Dupuy