
Today's Gospel: Matthew 12:14-21

Most of the time, common sense is called for. Once in a while, doing the opposite is the better way.

Most of us would stand up for ourselves or rally others in support if we felt we were being falsely accused or unjustly criticized. We would be right in doing so.

Why then, in today’s Gospel, does Jesus go into hiding when he hears that the Pharisees are taking counsel against him? Rather than enlisting the help of the many that followed him, he instead heals them all and asks for their silence.

Jesus did not want or need to prevail over the Pharisees. This was not a battle he wanted or needed to win. He knew that his rejection by the Pharisees and his passive response were both the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. He knew not to engage the Pharisees, because he was preparing for a greater, more important battle that lay ahead.


When do we speak out and when do we hold our tongues? When do we fight and when do we walk away? We don’t have Jesus’ divine ability to know the what must be done, but he is there to help us discern the best path in difficult times.


Jesus, please grant me the courage and eloquence to give testimony to others and defend your Church. Give me the wisdom to know when humility and silence
speak louder to others.

Copyright 2014 Kirk Whitney