The Gift of Other Moms

It started off as a really fun playdate. I always appreciate when other moms host playdates. I try to take my fair share of turns, but I am a stress case wondering if everyone is having fun while trying to take care of my own children (who always seem to have lots of extra needs when people come over!).

It was a really hot and humid day here in Pennsylvania. Then again, I saw that over 90% of the country was 90+ that day, so I was in good, sweaty company! This playdate featured every young child's dream...lots of water toys: a baby pool, 2 bigger pools with slides, a slip-n-slide, etc. Hours of fun! I was enjoying sitting in the shade with the baby watching the older kids...until...the STING!

Suddenly a howl. Oh of mine! I grabbed the baby and headed over. I tried to carry both the baby and the hysterical preschooler into the shade. At this point, I became so very grateful for my girlfriends. They jumped into action.

It's funny that in some ways, I barely know some of these women (although I'm getting to know them better every playdate). Yet, here they were, helping me hold down my child. Someone grabbed the baby, the host ran in the house to get baking soda, tweezers, and a bandage, and a third mom ran out to watch the other children in the yard. Working together (there were four of us in the end), we got the stinger!

"The biggest stinger I've ever seen," said one kind mom. My 3-year-old, relieved, asked if he could take his foot home. :)

The playdate continued. Drama subsided. As I drove home with tired, hungry, wet children, I reflected on how grateful I am for this group of women. I have been in similar situations (one or more melting children and other children who still need attention) at the grocery store (insert other public venue), and I get lots of looks. Granted, some looks are sympathetic, but I feel (maybe it's my projection), that most of them are irritated or pitying looks. Seldom do people jump right in to help. It is true that some (most?) times I do not want help (I would rather disappear...ha!); but other times, simple acts of kindness make a whole world of difference.

So, today, I thank God for the gift of friends. Women who started off as strangers, but because we are going through this journey of motherhood together, have become so much more to me.

In addition to my friends, I am grateful for my healthy children who are thoroughly enjoying the simple pleasures of summer, for the ability to stay home full-time with my children, for icy pops, for baby pools, and yes...even for bees!

Copyright 2014, Trish Bolster