Life is messy…and we make it messier!

I saw two movie screenings back to back.  Before I was able to write a review for the first one, I saw the second.  They are both about musicians.

Now these are good movies, with Christian values, good casting, and good messages.  I didn’t want to pit one movie against the other because I want to promote positive media.  So let me just say that I will compare the two.

The Identical


THE IDENTICAL has good music and a message that says, God will put on your heart a path, and direction, and passion that He wants to guide you by.  When you follow it, you will be blessed.  Since this is a true story, I am always amazed at how God plans amazing cross overs.  How lives are intersect in ways we don’t always fully realize.

This movie is the simpler of the two movies.  It is more straightforward, with cleaner lines of process.  If you like the origins of Rock and Roll, you will enjoy the music from this movie.

I was invited to screen this movie, and I love any kind of story that includes a passion for music.

Let me give you my brief synopsis of this touching story.  A reverend and his wife are unable to conceive, while another family is about to give birth to twins and can’t afford them both.

The scripture, “It is better to give than receive”, is lived out through a heroic gesture in giving up one twin to the preacher and his wife.  Reverend Wade, (Ray Liotta), and his wife (Ashley Judd) believe their son will be called to the ministry.  However, Ryan is drawn to music, and follows his dream, just as his famous musician brother DREXEL HEMSLEY also follows his passion.

The Song


THE SONG is the more complex movie with an incredible soundtrack.   It is the messier movie, which mirrors our modern lives. As these characters find their way through life, and to each other, they hurt one another and themselves.  They learn that God’s timing is not OUR timing.  Perfect timing requires patience.  But we aren’t patient, and even though we make a mess along the way, when we are open to God transforming us, He can make all things work towards good.

My favorite parts about this movie?  The fact that the Scripture from the Song of Solomon is narrated throughout the movie.  When you hear God’s word, you hear truth.  The thread of God’s word is so powerful that it is like this quality fabric that can holds the weight of the movie, its characters and its message.  God’s word and the messages of the movie are more complex like an onion with many layers.

One thing is for certain: we are all in search of love, and meaning for our lives.   There is so much that is meaningless in this life, like chasing after the wind. “But even the wisest of men was a fool for love. “

THE SONG was strong in message, casting, and production.  The Song of Solomon was a Golden thread interwoven with great music, and the messiness of real life.  This Thread of God's word made a great movie a gorgeous quality tapestry.

So you can guess which movie I would pick if I had to choose just one?  I choose complex, messy, with the fabric of God’s word, and voice of Alan Powell (Anthem Lights).

But you don’t have to choose!  You can see both, and I encourage you to do so because they are both worthy.  I love to buy these kinds of DVDs and have an arsenal of great movies to loan out, and to impact the lives of others.  You never know what is going to touch someone’s heart.  And we need to keep feeding ourselves these positive messages.

Note:  These movies are for an older audience, especially the latter.  THE SONG would be appropriate for ages 15 and up, or maybe a mature 14-year-old.

Copyright 2014, Marya Jauregui