
Today's Gospel: Luke 11:5-13

Every parent can recognize the truth in this passage. In my home, we often take a wait and see approach when a child calls out at night. We might not get up right away. We listen critically, evaluating the cry, determining its source, analyzing its tone, its duration, whether the child is awake, asleep or somewhere in between,and deciding if it is serious enough to warrant getting out of bed. Eventually though, if that child persists in calling out, persists in saying our names, we go to find out what he or she needs.

Since the completeness of God and who God is falls outside the grasp of human understanding, we use analogies to help us understand how God operates. One of the most popular and enduring images is God as Father. No analogy is perfect, including this one. Still, scriptures like this passage make it clear that Jesus found value in the idea of God as our parent and used this image to help explain our relationship with God.

As parents ourselves, this gives us a great opportunity for understanding. We may not know the mind of God, but we know how much we love our children and to what lengths we will go for them, even if they wake us from a sound sleep in the middle of the night. In the midst of the great mysteries of God, some truths are simple: God loves us and is listening carefully for each of us, no matter what time it is when we call.


How does the image of God as a parent help deepen our relationship with God?


Father, help me to remember that I can approach you at any time of day or night simply because I am your child and you are my Parent.

Copyright 2014 Abbey Dupuy