One of my favorite resources as a catechist is Amazing Catechists, the site founded by Lisa Mladinich. In fact, I love the site so much that, every so often, I even contribute.

AC Annnounce_badge

In the last few months, Lisa's been working on a site redesign, and earlier this week, she announced that the new site was live.

And wow.

So if you have not had a chance to dip into the goodness that is Amazing Catechists, I encourage you to go.

You'll find a whole host of things. Here's my list of what ROCKS about Amazing Catechists:

1. The contributors.

There are 35 or so of them, by my count, and they're names you know and love. They're catechists who share practical experience, theory-put-int0-classroom-use, and ideas for lessons. They're real-life parishioners and parents and teachers, and they bring that to the table.

2. The resources.

Well, yes, there's a resources page, but that's not what I'm talking about. You can find categories for special needs, games, and music, for one thing. (Can you tell what my particular struggles are?)

You can also search the site for specific needs, like "Confirmation" or "impossible hormonal kids are killing me." (Not that anyone ever searches for the last one, of course.) In fact, a fellow catechists a couple of years ago came to me shocked, having printed out one of my articles from AC and then realizing that it was probably the same Sarah Reinhard she knew.

There are also Catholic links and at least five other sections of the site I haven't yet explored.

3. The mobile-friendliness of it.

I have no patience for sites I can't pull up on my phone. And, with sites that are uber-useful like Amazing Catechists, I often need to reference it on my phone later (or pull it up for someone else or share the link while I'm thinking of it or...well, you see how it is).

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Copyright 2014 Sarah Reinhard