
Overall our school year is going pretty well so far, but every day seems to be so busy and so LONG.

Maybe you can tell me what I’m doing wrong?

We’re using this curriculum loosely, and changing things up as needed to make it fit our kids better.  For example, instead of having our 10th grader write paper after paper after paper, we’re using this VLA program that one of you told us about. We love the whole philosophy — it’s working out great!  Thankfully that part is going well, however…

Everything takes up so much TIME!

Language arts is a breeze for our daughter, but math is where she struggles, so I need to sit down with her every day for 45-60 minutes just in that one subject.  Our 10th grader is like our grown son in that he’s not a visual learner, so when he has assigned reading he’ll do it, but if I ask him about it later not a lot has “sunk in.”  If I really want him to learn it, I need to read it out loud TO him, and this takes up a big chunk of the day, too.

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Copyright 2014, Kelly the Kitchen Kop