
Today's Gospel: Luke 2:36-40

Where would we be without all the religious communities throughout the world devoted to prayer and supplication for us? Where would we be, how would we survive without their prayers in the midst of the chaos we live in? Frankly, I don’t want to think about what that would look like. Prayer is powerful. We don’t know this world without it, but I am convinced it would be a completely different place.

This Gospel speaks to me about vocations and fulfilling ones duties to the Lord. One of the most important commandments of the Lord is to love your neighbor; in this duty, we must be prayerful for each other. Anna lived as a wife for seven years, devoting herself and caring for her husband, but when he died, she took on another vocation. She devoted herself to prayer and worship for the sake of others. Our Blessed Mother and St Joseph lived their vocations trusting in the Lord and fulfilling His will for the good of humanity. We have been redeemed through Christ's sacrifice and greatly aided by the obedience of their lives.

Serving the world has never been easier than through our own personal prayer life.


Do you know someone who is discerning a vocation? Whether it is through marriage, priesthood, or religious life, can you encourage them in their decision?


Dearest Jesus, raise up in me a fire of devotion for all those you love. Make me fervent in prayer and faithful in acts of service. Amen.

Copyright 2014 Ebeth Weidner