IMG_2613There is always a need for prayers. Sometimes, I am so overwhelmed by the number of people who I love that need my prayers, I wonder if I missed a vocation as a cloistered nun!

When I'm on social media, I'll often see a person's status update and say a quick prayer for him or her, and move on without commenting. God knows the prayer, and I don't need to announce it to everyone on their Facebook feed.

But sometimes you want to do just a little bit more than that; sometimes you want to send a quick note saying that you've prayed for someone.

Angel in My Phone is an app that lets you do exactly that. It's the first app from Saints Be with Us, a company that specializes in developing religious apps.

IMG_2616 One of My Favorite Prayers to Send

When you set up Angel in My Phone, you can choose a standard prayer to display just for you. I selected a Guardian Angel prayer for myself.

Then you can send tokens of angels with little prayers to your family and friends as a way to let them know they are in your prayers.

My grandmother has been quite ill, and my aunt and uncle have been managing her care in the nursing home, setting up hospice care, and visiting her almost daily, though she doesn't remember any of it from moment to moment. It's been a stressful time for them, and I decided to send them an angel and a prayer to let them know they weren't alone. I've sent them to my husband when he's working overtime to finish a project and to my daughter for a "just because" moment. Everyone I've gotten feedback from has enjoyed the emailed prayer.

Within the app, there are set prayers (with more to be added in the future), but you can also write a prayer of your own. I had a little trouble sending my own prayers via e-mail (the text wasn't showing up), but that might be because my iOS isn't completely up-to-date. I do recommend it, especially to use as a tool to give a quick bit of encouragement to someone who might be struggling. It's only 99¢ in the App Store.

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Copyright 2014 Christine Johnson