If someone told you that there was something you could do for as little as five minutes per day to virtually assure that your marriage would last unto death, wouldn’t you do it? Well this is it! Pray together daily. Marriage is not a couple, but a trinity. The third person is God. We need to allow God to be an integral part of our marriage for it to be healthy.
There are many splendid ways to pray, but for your consideration I offer a transforming prayer for married couples. I have seen profound results at marriage retreats which I have been privileged to lead. Consider this prayer as a gift to you and your beloved spouse. You are invited to use it in prayer together frequently. Be sure to pray slowly, to embrace or hold hands, and to look into each other’s eyes as much as possible as you pray this. Yes, you can do it! And don’t be afraid to talk with each other at length before or better yet after praying this prayer together. Just talk for the sake of talking and being present to one another.
Feel free to copy and print the prayer text for regular use. God bless you.
Dear Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, thank You for the profound gift of the Sacrament of Marriage. Thank You for the magnificent gift of my spouse whom Your perfect providence planned for me from all eternity. May I always treat him (her) as royalty, with all the perfect honor, respect, and dignity he (she) deserves. Help me to be selfless in my marriage, to pour everything out for my spouse at all times, holding nothing back, expecting nothing in return, but recognizing and being grateful for all he (she) pours out for me and our family every day, and it is much! Please strengthen and protect our marriage and all marriages. Help us to pray together daily. May we trust You completely in every way, as You deserve. Please make our marriage fruitful and open to Your most perfect will in the privilege of co-creating and nurturing life. Help us to build a strong, secure, loving, faith-filled family, the domestic church. Dear Most Blessed Virgin Mary, we confidently entrust our marriage to your care. Keep our family always under your mantle. We have complete trust in You, Lord Jesus, that You are always with us, and are constantly seeing to the very best for us, bringing a tremendous good out of everything, including the crosses you have permitted in our lives. Dear (spouse’s name): You and I are one. I promise I will always love you, and always be true to you. I will never abandon you. I will lay down my life for you. With God and you in my life I have everything. Thank You, Jesus. You are the ultimate “Pourer.” We love you.
The world itself is in grave need of the witness of strong and beautiful marriages today. It is desperate for this light. We must create a culture that esteems marriage and family. These words should be whispered with reverence, marriage…family. They are sacred sacraments or signs of God’s inestimable love for the world.
I suggest that in your prayer married couples try to often return to the fond and true memory of your spouse when you first met, and on your wedding day. He or she is still that same loveable person. Perhaps life has presented many challenges you did not expect back then, but you have come through these together, and the providential fire of your tribulations and your love has forged you into the one body you are today, and that is a beautiful thing.
“So then, what God has united, man must not divide.” (Mark 10:9-10)
Never let anyone or any inferior thing tear you and your spouse asunder. God is one with you. God is love, your marriage is love, and love endures whatever comes, it does not come to an end (see 1 Corinthians 13:7-8). Let’s be thankful to God for the gift of our spouses. We are called to be one with them in time and eternity.
By James M. Littleton
President, Co-founder & Co-director of Forming Faithful Families
Email: formingfaithfulfamilies@gmail.com
*Core material borrowed from our books, Better by the Dozen, Plus Two, subtitled Anecdotes and a Philosophy of Life from a Family of Sixteen, by James and Kathleen Littleton, Healed Through Cancer and Other Adversities, and Forming Faithful Families radio and television programs.
Copyright 2014 James M. Littleton & Forming Faithful Families
Image Credit: "V0009212 A married couple who have begun physically to resemble each" - Wellcome Library, London. Wellcome Images images@wellcome.ac.uk http://wellcomeimages.org A married couple who have begun physically to resemble each other. Drawing, c. 1794. 1794 after: Johann Caspar Lavater and Thomas HollowayPublished: c. 1794 Copyrighted work available under Creative Commons Attribution only licence CC BY 4.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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