Easter is not just one day within the Catholic Church but instead an entire season! We celebrate Easter for 50 days from Easter Sunday all of the way to Pentecost (the birthday of the Catholic Church)! Here are 50 ways to celebrate the 50 days of Easter with your Family. You do not need to do them in this order or even do them all, but pick a few favorites and have a blessed Easter season!
- Make a Paschal candle and light it in your home during prayer time, meal time or even every Sunday during the Easter Season.
- Display "Alleluia" somewhere prominently in your home to acknowledge praising God for Jesus's Resurrection!
- Complete an Easter Calendar where you can follow and count the 50 days of Easter, like the Garden of the Good Shepherd calendar.
- Continue praying the Divine Mercy Novena and Chaplet (that starts on Good Friday) leading up to Divine Mercy Sunday!
- Display a Resurrection Set in your home.
- Celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday the Sunday after Easter with a Divine Mercy Sunday Sundae!
- Have an Easter Egg Hunt AFTER Easter Sunday.
- Write a thank you card to your priest for all of the extra hard work that they did during Holy Week and Lent.
- Fold your palm leaves from Palm Sunday into a Palm Cross and display them in your home.
- Watch The Easter Story with your family!
- Choose one Lenten Resolution that you could carryout into your daily life throughout the rest of the Liturgical Year.
- Make Resurrection Peg Dolls!
- Attend a Baptism of a friend or member of your parish.
- Make Easter Story Cookies
- Decorate with white and gold the colors of Easter and bring special flowers like lilies into your home or garden!
- Make Garden Stones with all of the Sins that Pave the Way on your Hill of Calvary.
- Use Holy Water in your home and get maybe even get a special new Holy Water Font to display in a special location
- Learn a new prayer for your family to say during prayer time.
- Include the Easter Story in Learning Fun for your Children.
- Drape your crucifixes in your home with a strip of white cloth.
- Make an Easter Sun Catcher Craft to display on your window.
- Read about St. John Paul II, who had a special devotion to Divine Mercy Sunday.
- Have a family game night playing Easter Bingo!
- Incorporate a family Rosary into your prayer life once a week, once a month or something that works well for your family!
- Do a fun family activity each Sunday (or pick a special day of the week to do something out of the ordinary!)
- Learn about the life, miracles and parables of Jesus with the Parable Pouch.
- Have Fun with Play Dough and this Easter Play Dough Set
- Go to Confession or if younger start learning the Act of Contrition.
- Go on an Easter Nature Study or Scavenger Hunt.
- Make Joyful Noise Easter Egg Maracas with leftover plastic Easter eggs.
- Learn about a new saint during the Easter Season like St George on April 23rd or St. Gianna Beretta Molla on April 28th! Have a Saint Playdate!
- Make a Jelly Bean Jar (use your sacrifice bean jar if you used one during Lent) and allow your children to earn a Jelly Bean with each act of service or kindness that they show!
- Incorporate a new Easter story into read aloud or bedtime story time with your children like The Tale of Three Trees.
- Listen to Easter Music throughout the season like Easter at Ephesus.
- Memorize a new Bible Verse about the Easter Story.
- Go to Adoration as a family.
- Have a family picnic and enjoy the beauty of new life during Springtime.
- Pray for a member of your church who was received into the Church at the Easter Vigil mass, or invite them over for dinner!
- Make a Resurrection Garden.
- Do a fun science experiment making Crystal Easter Eggs.
- Act out the Easter story with Peg Dolls or other characters!
- Create a Marian Garden in the month of May to honor Mary.
- Celebrate the Ascension of Our Lord (40 days after Easter Sunday)!
- Make an Ascension of Jesus Craft with your Children
- Pray the Novena to the Holy Spirit.
- Learn the 9 fruits of the Holy Spirit with a great craft!
- Add red to your Easter decorations to celebrate Pentecost.
- Have a Pentecost Bonfire with your family!
- Make a Pentecost Cake to celebrate the birthday of the Catholic Church.
- Celebrate and thank God for the beautiful season of Easter and the gift of the Resurrection!
Copyright 2015 Nicole Ernest
Photo copyright 2015 Nicole Ernest. All rights reserved.
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