Editor's Note: Today we welcome Caitlin Bootsma as she introduces an innovative program to help children and families learn about the development of unborn babies as they pray for babies in danger of abortion. --Barb

Spiritual Adoption Program Teaches Children the Sanctity of Life

HH-SAlogo-F4The powerful effect that witnessing the development of unborn babies cannot be denied. From women who choose life for their babies after viewing ultrasounds to young people who attend the March for Life in droves because they understand the humanity of babies in-utero, it is clear that education—along with prayer—is an important part of the pro-life effort. It is for this reason that Holy Heroes, a Catholic company that provides educational resources for children, is spearheading a 9-month Spiritual Adoption program for families beginning May 1.

This free program is an opportunity for families and individuals to “adopt” an unknown unborn baby by praying for him or her daily for nine months while learning about the baby’s development. Holy Heroes Founder Ken Davison explains, “The 9-month Spiritual Adoption program from Holy Heroes provides a fun, motivational way to inspire children and families to pray daily for the safety of an unknown child from creation to birth.”

Participants commit to praying Venerable Fulton Sheen’s “Spiritual Adoption Prayer” to the Holy Family each day for the baby they have adopted. The prayer is simple, but potent: ““Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of [baby’s name] the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion.”

In addition, those participating will receive an email every other week full of information about the growth of the baby, videos from the Holy Heroes “Adventure Guides” and other more scientific videos showing the development of a baby inside the womb, audio prayers to pray along with, and printable activities. This is an opportunity for children and parents to not only learn about the development of babies, but also about the dignity of each human person, the importance of the family as well as the need to pray for those whose lives are threatened by abortion.

The program will begin on May 1, the Feast of Saint Joseph the Worker and end nine months later on the February 2, 2016, the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker. While these dates are recommended to pray in unity with people across the country, people can also sign up later and receive emails over a 9-month period based upon their registration date.

To sign up and for more information, visit HolyHeroesSpiritualAdoption.com.