The First Family on earth began with Eve who bore two sons, Cain and Abel. Coming from the same family, one was honorable and the other was not. It happens in many families.
Conceiving children could be a difficult situation even in the days of the patriarchs. Sarah and Rebekah give testimony to this difficulty.
There is the courage and sorrow of Jochebed, Moses’ mom, as she kept him hidden and then let him go. Also consider the Pharaoh’s sister who raised Moses as her own child.
And there is Ruth, the Moabitess. Her adopted mother Naomi lived her life in such a way that Ruth was inspired to know the One True God.
As the years progress, another beautiful woman, Hannah, grieved greatly for the gift of a child. Through tearful prayers, her petition was granted. She in turn returned this joy, Samuel, to the Blessing Giver.
Remember the Shunammite woman? Elisha prophesied a son would be born to this childless woman and he was. She embraced motherhood so strongly and trusted in the Lord so much that her faith kept her still as she journeyed to see Elisha, seeking restoration of her precious child.
Bathsheba sorrowed greatly over the loss of her firstborn son with David and no doubt sorrowed over him the rest of her life, and then was blessed with Solomon.
The great Solomon filled with godly wisdom bore witness to the love of a true mother for her child when she cried out that her child be given to another woman so her child might live.
Lois and Eunice, the grandmother and mother of Timothy, the subject of two of Paul’s epistles, were so worthy of note that they are recorded in Scripture. What was their contribution? They raised Timothy in the nurture and the admonition of the Lord. They did such a fine job and his spiritual heritage was so strong that Timothy became a man of God in a position to lead and to shape others at a very young age.
Blessed Mary, favored of God, gave birth to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. She watched Him grow, mature and then witnessed His crucifixion. In the beginning, shepherds and kings came to pay homage and in the end only she and a handful of disciples remained at His feet. And His love for her and hers for Him was palpable in His words directed to the disciple whom He loved, “He said to His mother, “Woman, behold your son!” Then He said to the disciple, “Behold your mother!”
Moms come in all shapes and sizes, temperaments and backgrounds, lifestyles and varying levels of faith. As the Bible teaches us, Moms can raise two children in the same house and have one who is a joy and the other a constant source of worry. Some women who want children struggle sometimes to conceive and others conceive and bring forth life only to have to let the child go. Still others, having held, raised and loved a child, meet with such pain and sorrow when that child dies, they can scarcely breathe.
To be elected, for indeed it is an election, to bring forth a child to love and to cherish, is an honor and a privilege afforded to women by the Lord. For other mothers, raising a child borne by another is also election. We must not forget older sisters who raise families in the absence of a mother; or aunts, or grandmothers.
Motherhood is important. Godly motherhood is powerful and life-changing. To be reminded of this, just read through the Bible. To be reminded of the influence a godly mother has in the life of her children, look at the fruit of your labor of love, your children, your grandchildren and your great-grandchildren. And, hopefully, you smile and praise the Lord.
Copyright 2015 Linda Bennett
Photo by subhadipin, "Sunset silhouette" (2013) via Freeimages.com
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