TVP Logo a go go 2500 px wide (2)Editor's note: I wanted to share firsthand how excited I am about the brand new Catholic radio program "The Visitation Project"! The show combines the gifts of three amazing Catholic moms: Rebecca Frech, Bonnie Engstrom, and Heather Renshaw. Each of these women is spiritual powerhouse and their combined efforts are sure to create something truly special and greatly needed in Catholic radio. For more information, visit The Visitation Project. Lisa

New show for Catholic women focuses on faith, family, and fun

Co-hosted by Rebecca Frech, Bonnie Engstrom, and Heather Renshaw, The Visitation Project explores topics pertinent to living as a faithful Catholic woman in today’s society. What happens when women on fire with their Catholic faith get together for a cup of coffee and conversation? Mater Dei Radio invites you to tune in to The Visitation Project Sunday evenings at 7:30 PST / 10:30 EST to find out! Engaging, witty, and down-to-earth, The Visitation Project is a half-hour show that seeks to encourage, uplift, and inspire Catholic women to be in the world but not of it.

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Frech, wife and mother of seven, is author of the best-selling Teaching in Your Tiara – A Homeschooling Book for the Rest of Us, blogger at the Catholic Channel, and is a certified CrossFit coach She and co-host Renshaw met at the Edel Gathering last summer, and, according to Frech, “We hit it off. I kept telling [Heather] that we should do a [radio] show together since radio is one of my most favorite things to do. When she called earlier this year to say that there was an opportunity to be funny together on the air, I jumped at the chance.”

Engstrom, wife and mother of five, blogs at A Knotted Life and Blessed is She, a daily devotional site for Catholic women. She, too, attended the Edel Gathering, and was excited at the opportunity to proclaim the joys of the Catholic faith over the airwaves: “I decided to get involved with The Visitation Project because I felt like God wanted me to say ‘yes’ to the invitation. I was really nervous, though – afraid of failing, afraid of the unknown. I’m so glad I said, ‘yes,’ however, and I’m really grateful to be a part of this ministry.”

Renshaw, wife and mother of five, blogs at and Blessed is She, and had been desiring show that was in tune with the day-to-day joys and struggles of Catholic women. “We wanted a show that explores the beauty and truths of the Catholic faith in an engaging and authentic way, and I think The Visitation Project does just that. We [co-hosts] aren’t theologians or scholars, but we bear witness to our faith in a way that is relatable and joyful. I think that’s part of what the New Evangelization is all about – real people sharing real stories. And, we have a really good time together!”

According to Mater Dei Executive Director David Renshaw, “We are excited to have The Visitation Project on the air. We look forward to the insights into the Catholic faith the three co-hosts will provide.”

To listen to archived shows, please visit:

The Visitation Project is also available for rebroadcast via your local Catholic radio station. The Visitation Project is also on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.