Humidity hangs heavy in air
As clouds accumulate weight
Forming like towers in the heavens
Waters build up behind gates.
Mysteries of nature abounding
Earth getting ready to receive
Heat scorched and dry she will cry out
"Lord of all Nature, I believe!"
One last loud Voice that is booming
Thunder rolls through the land
He opens the floodgates from towers
The power will flow from His Hand.
And what of us humans in nature
Is it upon Him that we call?
Do we know that we are the creature
And He, the Creator of all?
The signs of His wonder and power
Are seen by those who have sight.
To them He is Lord of all Nature
Who equates His Love with His Might.
Let Him then show you His power
Let Him be Lord of your life
Heat scorched and dry let us cry out
"In mercy, like rain, I delight!"
Forgive us, oh Lord of All Nature
For as sin has accumulated weight
You want to preserve us and drench us
Baptizing water flows from Heaven's gate.
Copyright 2015 Cindy Costello
Photo copyright Wokandapix via Pixabay.com
About the Author

Cindy Costello
Cindy Costello is a praying wife and mom who is settling into her empty nest. More than fall trees and caramel lattes, she loves a pen hitting paper to create something unique and beautiful for God. Cindy is challenging herself intellectually and getting ready for Career #2 by pursuing a MA in Theology. And on the side she gives parish talks and retreats , specializing in Theology of the Body and all things Catholic! Visit her website at CindyACostello.com.