QOW for FI

Do you know your Baptism day?

Many of us have no memory of the celebration of this Sacrament, and it is obvious why, if we were baptized soon after birth. I have asked this question two or three times already, here, in this square: who among you knows the date of your Baptism, raise your hands. It is important to know the day on which I was immersed in that current of Jesus' salvation. And I will allow myself to give you some advice... but, more than advice, a task for today. Today, at home, go look, ask about the date of your Baptism and that way you will keep in mind that most beautiful day of Baptism. To know the date of our Baptism is to know a blessed day. The danger of not knowing is that we can lose awareness of what the Lord has done in us, the memory of the gift we have received. --Pope Francis, General Audience 01/08/2014

My son's middle-school religion teacher asks each student to find out his or her Baptism day; she marks these on a classroom calendar and brings donuts for the class each time a student's Baptism day rolls around. It made an impression.

Find your Certificate of Baptism and mark the date on your calendar--and do the same for the rest of your family. Then plan to celebrate everyone's birthdays in the Faith.

Copyright 2015 Barb Szyszkiewicz, OFS. All rights reserved. Copyright 2015 Barb Szyszkiewicz, OFS. All rights reserved.

Do you know your Baptism day? Do you celebrate this with your family?

Please share your answers and experiences in the comment box below.