Steps in Beach by Rodrigo Gutierrez ( Steps in Beach by Rodrigo Gutierrez (2004) via

With so many different projects swirling around in my mind, anxiety was taking over. So I stood very still and let all the mental balls of responsibility I was juggling fall to the ground. Then I smiled and realized I have only one thing to do: take the next step. God promised to guide us step by step when we follow his will, as we understand it.

What are you juggling? A presentation at work, a ministry website, a sick child? It’s difficult to think it all through since you have no control over the schedules, preferences or priorities of the other people involved. Where do you start? Just take the next step in God’s will, as you believe it to be. Happily make the next telephone call or send the next email, knowing you are making a little progress. Enjoy reading your child one more bedtime story. Take the next step and God’s grace will lead you to the next one. Remember that his word is a lamp to your feet and a light to your path.

We can’t tackle all the challenges in our life at once or handle all of today’s happenings in one breath. But we can be effective today by just taking the next step in each role of our life, one after another. Let God carry us to the next one.

He alone knows everything that happens, yesterday, today and forever. He alone is everywhere at once. We are not God. No matter how much we try we cannot stretch ourselves to know it all and do it all and take care of it all. We can’t worry ourselves into clarity and success. In fact, worry hinders our thinking processes, increases our stress and sabotages our trust in God. With confidence in God we can smile every step of the way.

Life cannot be lived all at once. Trust God and his plan for your life today. It is far more awesome than anything you can imagine. It is the next step toward an eternity of love with him. He wants to partner with you in every venture and adventure in your life right now. Cooperate with his grace and enjoy following his lead one step at a time. It can only lead to joy.

What is the next step God wants you to take?

Copyright 2015 Nancy Ward