Gospel Reflections 800x800 gold outline
Today's Gospel: Mark 1, 14-20

Notice that Jesus waited for a definitive sign, John the Baptist’s arrest and confinement, to begin His invitation. Not too soon, not late. Today. The time is now.

Rather than the wise and great ones of Israel, He chooses simple fishermen to accompany Him as apprentices in the most important work of all time. Jesus gathers us to Himself.

He finds me. He sees me, too, as I am busy at my daily chores, mending what’s torn and filling what’s empty. He calls me by name. He invites me to leave my old life with its passions and slavery and worry behind, to change my direction, to follow simply in His dusty footsteps, to watch what He does, to hear what He says, to learn what He teaches.


If I am wise and great, how can I make myself more simple? Where is Jesus calling me to follow Him, today?


Lord, may I have eyes that see, ears that hear, and feet that follow You.


Copyright 2016 Sonja Corbitt

Sonja is a scripture evangelist, broadcaster, and author of Unleashed, who produces and teaches high-impact, multi-media Bible studies. Find her at www.pursuingthesummit.com.