Gospel Reflections 800x800 gold outline
Today's Gospel: Mark 1, 21-28

Do you ever think of Jesus Christ as an educator? In today’s Gospel we find Jesus teaching in a way that astonishes the crowds because “he taught them as one having authority.” Imagine being there among the people in the synagogue. All eyes focused on him as he stood up and explained the Scriptures to them. They had heard these texts many times before, but Jesus spoke about them in a new way. He opened their eyes to understand Scripture so that their hearts burned within them at this new vision (see Luke 24:32).

If we let him, Jesus will also teach us. He is the perfect educator. If we want to be his disciples, we can let him form us. Although Jesus teaches us the truth about God, he doesn’t do it in an abstract way. As an educator, he teaches us how to live as his disciples. It’s a total formation, one for our minds, our wills, and our hearts.

One way we can let him form us is through the daily examen prayer. Take a few minutes out of your busy day and sit quietly for a while in prayer. Thank God for the gifts that have come into your life that day. As you review the day and how you used those gifts, speak heart to heart with Jesus and ask him to show you how he wants you to act in the circumstances of your life. Express sorrow for any shortcomings, make a concrete resolution, and ask him to help you carry it out. He will.


It can be hard to follow the teachings of Jesus in a world that often scorns them and rejects Jesus, as the unclean spirit in today’s Gospel did. In difficult times, how can I find the strength to hold fast to Jesus?


Jesus, I believe that you are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Help me to follow your teachings and to live as your disciple. I love you and I ask for your help to radiate your love to others.


Copyright 2016 Sr. Marianne Lorraine Trouve, FSP

Marianne Lorraine Trouve has been a member of the Daughters of Saint Paul since 1976. She has extensive editorial experience and is the author of Mary: Help in Hard Times and Angels: Help from on High, as well as three biographies of saints for kids, including St. Thomas Aquinas: Missionary of Truth.