I've been weary lately...wondering why when I do an honest, decent examination of conscience, my list of sins just keeps expanding. I was thinking that maybe I'm getting more in tuned, more honest, or convicted; maybe my conscience is maturing.
But this time, my confessor corrected me.
God knows you're weak: you don't have to confess that.
I had been confessing sins, but also weaknesses! He explained that we're not at fault for our weaknesses, our faults or our feelings...unless we act on them, give in to them or stubbornly harbor them.
He slashed my list of sins in half.
It's not a sin to be angry: it is a sin to clobber someone out of anger.
It's not a sin to have doubts, especially if your desire is to have more Faith.
It's not a sin to be insecure, especially if your desire is to be confident in God's Love for you and to appreciate the gifts He has given you.
It's not a sin to have unforgiveness, if you earnestly want to forgive ...and you're praying for His Grace to help you.
Do you confess weakness?
Copyright 2016 Monica McConkey.
Images Copyright 2014 Katherine Munda. Used with Permission. All rights reserved.
About the Author
Monica McConkey
Monica, mom of 5, blogs about Catholic crafts and family traditions at EquippingCatholicfamilies.com. She is an author and creator of Super Saints quizzing cards and over 45 Saint, Sacrament, Catechism and Prayer-packed Craft Kits to help teach the Catholic Faith. The Catholic teaching tools and gifts are available through Arma Dei, the Catholic family publishing company founded with her husband Bill.