I don’t usually write about blogs here at Tech Talk, but every once in a while, I stumble across one I really enjoy. My latest must-read, Grown and Flown, is geared for parents of teens and young adults — we survivors of the eye rolling and glares that can cause us to second guess the parenting decisions that make perfect sense to us.

It’s pretty easy to find advice and suggestions on raising small children, but when it comes to raising teens, things can get a little hairy — both literally and figuratively — leading many parents to ask “Am I the only one who….?” And this is where Grown and Flown comes in. Zooming in on the end of high school and beyond, the blog reaches out to the parents of kids who have one foot in high school and the other foot in the college pool. Informative, uplifting and validating, Grown and Flown not only acknowledges that “parenting never ends” in its tagline, it provides support for the last few laps of the race.

, via Wikimedia Commons

“If you are thinking, worrying, or just pondering what it will be like when some or all of your kids call another place home (even if it is just their grimy dorm room) then this conversation is for you.”

In addition to its home page with blogs on a variety of topics, the website maintains two sections, “Going to College” and “What Parents Need to Know,” which combine expert advice with parenting wisdom on these two topics of particular interest to parents in its target readership, those of us with kids age 15 and up.

Grown and Flown has a presence on Facebook and Instagram as well, making it a great combination of advice and conversation. So the next time a conversation with your teen devolves into “you don’t know anything,” come join the rest of us who know both nothing and everything at the same time.

I’ll save you a seat.

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Copyright 2016 Lisa Hess