Photo via Pixabay, 2015. CC0 Public Domain. Photo via Pixabay, 2015. CC0 Public Domain.

We deny ourselves an expensive purse, a new car, or a chocolate cupcake, but are these things the same as fasting for our Lord? He asks us to take up our cross and follow Him. Sometimes giving up certain things can bring us closer to God; other times we end up hurting ourselves in the process. Like most moms, I often put others before myself, but I also have times where I go to extremes in this area of my life. I become disordered in my thinking and lack the tools to carry on from day to day.

I offer special food to my family before myself. I give time and energy to them with nothing left for myself, or maybe even God. He wants us to rest in Him. How can we do that if we don't make the time? If we give our time to Him first, everything else will fall into place. We need to schedule dates with God, just like we do with our spouses. He wants our time too. He loves us more deeply than our husbands ever could.

When we deny time with our Creator, everything else in life will suffer, the first area being our relationships with those around us. By drawing God in, we can better open ourselves up to receiving others. I often look at taking the time I need to be with God as selfish. I keep myself from doing the very thing that God wants me to do. Rejuvenation time is important for introverts, such as myself. Retreating into my soul and listening to God's inner voice makes me aware of His presence and purpose for my life.

Do you deny yourself time with God? Do others in your life want to help you spend more time with Him?

Copyright 2016  Tanya Weitzel