Gospel Reflections 800x800 gold outline
Today's Gospel: Luke 24, 35-48

It’s easy to understand the confusion, fear, and doubt the disciples felt at seeing Jesus alive and talking after his crucifixion. But that was centuries ago. We know the end of the story now.


Jesus is the Son of God who died for our sins and who rose from the dead.
We know this. We call ourselves Christians.
But what does that mean, exactly? How does that affect our everyday lives?

Jesus told his Disciples to “touch me and see”, so that they could be sure He was not a ghost. As Christians, as Catholics, we claim to not need that proof. We believe in transubstantiation—that the bread and wine become Jesus’ Flesh and Blood at the consecration.

We believe that He resides in that tabernacle, day and night, waiting for us to come by. Waiting.
St Josemaría Escriva says, “for me the tabernacle has always been a Bethany, a quiet and pleasant place where Christ resides: a place where we can tell him about our worries, our sufferings, our desires, our joys, with the same sort of simplicity and naturalness as Martha, Mary and Lazarus. That is why I rejoice when I stumble upon a church in town or country; it’s another tabernacle, another opportunity for the soul to escape and join in intention our Lord in the Sacrament.” (Christ is passing by, 154)

Do we do the same? If Jesus Christ came down from Heaven and went to your parish church and sat there, waiting for visitors, would you drop everything and get there as soon as you could? Or would you wait until it was convenient?

Don’t we believe that He is there? Waiting?
Then what are we waiting for?


Do you truly believe that Jesus is present in the tabernacle? How does that affect your life?


Blessed Mother, teach us how to love your Son present in the Tabernacle, just as you loved Him during His life and continue to love Him.


Copyright 2016 Diana von Glahn

Diana von Glahn is the co-producer – along with her husband, David – writer, host, sometime cameraperson, and editor of The Faithful Traveler, a television series that looks at travel and pilgrimage through the eyes of faith, which broadcasts on EWTN and is available online. For more information, visit www.thefaithfultraveler.com.