Gospel Reflections 800x800 gold outline

Today's Gospel: John 14, 6-14 - Sts. Philip and James

“Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these, because I am going to the Father.”

God’s work is messy. Whether it’s taking care of an elderly grandparent or serving in a homeless ministry, His work was never designed to be comfortable.

At times it may be a tiny “yes” of promoting the needs of your parish food pantry. At other times it may force you to completely step out of your comfort zone.

A few years ago, I felt a pull to coach my son’s soccer team at the local church’s youth league. Let me assure you I have no coordination whatsoever and probably even less soccer knowledge. (My proof, once again, that God possess a terrific sense of humor.) I said my yes, was thankfully paired with a head coach who did know the game, and spent my fall trying to herd five year olds onto the field and trying to teach them a little bit about faith. To this day my son says I was the best coach ever.

Knowing what the Lord is calling you to do may not always be easy, and taking those steps of faith is even more difficult. We have busy schedules. We have responsibilities. We can tick off a hundred obstacles that might be standing in our way.

The saints before us had obstacles too, and steadily climbed over each, even if they stumbled along the way. But as these men and women stumbled along the rocky paths and obstacles, they were guided by a partner who helped them see the way.


What obstacles do you feel you face in following God’s will for your life? What can you do to work around one of them?


Holy Father, St. Therese of Lisieux reminds us that holiness requires no great acts, only in recognizing Your will and what You want us to be. Help us see Your vision for us and live it each day.


Copyright 2016 Robbie Schneider

Robbie Schneider is a wife, writer and mother of two. She blogs regularly about faith, work and family at Mom Hats & More and at her scouting blog, Use Resources Wisely.