Gospel Reflections 800x800 gold outline

Today's Gospel: John 21, 15-19

In today's Gospel the scene is set with Jesus outside, probably on a sunny day, looking up into Heaven and speaking to his father about his disciples.  "Keep them in thy name, Father, as I have kept them, please protect them from the evil one.  I am not asking that they be taken out of this world, but that they be safe while in the world carrying out the mission I have given them."  He was worried for them, and though leave them he must, he still he wanted them protected in his absence.

Now fast-forward the film to modern day: and the scene is set at home with the car packed up with all the goods and necessities of a college dorm, and a young fresh-faced daughter ready to leave home for the first time to college.  The prayer of a mother for her child is so very similar to Jesus' prayer!  My last one entered college and the dorm life last August.  She's 5'4" and eats like a bird, so she is a small person with such big dreams!  I prayed to Jesus for a nice and happy roommate for her, that she would like her classmates and dorm neighbors.  I prayed that she stayed in late at night and studied hard; but most of all, I prayed that she didn't get mixed up with bad kids away from home, rules and curfews for the first time, spreading their adventurous wings!  I also prayed that she would find the Newman Center on campus and attend Mass on the weekends at least.  Please dear Father, "Keep her in thy name...while I was with her, I kept her in thy name...I have guarded her, and...I do not pray that she be taken out of this world, but that you would protect her and keep her from the evil one.  Sanctify her in the truth; your Word is Truth."

May this be my prayer for all of our young people as they set out into this wild and crazy world we live in today!


How is your prayer life? Do you pray when you need something, or do you pray when you are thankful, or do you pray everyday...just because?


Dear Lord, I wish to have a deeper relationship with you. Help me to think about you and talk to you everyday. Amen.


Copyright 2016 Elizabeth Weidner

Elizabeth "Ebeth" Weidner is a Master Catechist and has been writing for Catholic Mom for the past 6 years, along with a number of other online and printed resources. A former Catholic homeschooling mom, she and her scientist husband have three amazing young adults that call them mom and dad! She writes at