Array of Hope is a NJ-based ministry that exists to reveal the “Truths of our Faith” by creating high quality films, music and events. Seeking to address the decline of God in our culture, with His grace we are empowered to capture the hearts of families and awaken our inner desire to seek a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Array of Hope tours the country proclaiming the gospel through their wide-ranging concert experience that features multiple musical acts, motivational speakers and thought-provoking film presentations that joyously provide a counterweight to the negative media surrounding today’s society. It especially celebrates an appreciation of the family that is so often denigrated in today’s music, movies, TV, radio and the Internet. The show’s key themes are the sanctity of life, the importance of God in the family and the loving support prayer can bring to the spiritual and emotional development of us and our children. From children to parents and grandparents alike, this is the perfect event for the whole family!
Check out Array of Hope's original music video "Faith, Hope and Love."
For information on how to bring Array of Hope to your parish or community email or visit
Do you like the music in this video? Want to hear more? You can buy the Array of Hope album on; your purchase supports!
About the Author: Lauren Costabile is a Catholic speaker, singer and film creator. As a performer in the Array of Hope Concert Event, she actively spreads the gospel to young people and families through music. Lauren speaks about of how God has worked so powerfully in her life in hopes that it inspires others and draws them closer to God's love. She strives to use her gifts and talents to make our world a brighter place.
About the Author

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