Editor's note: Many of you followed along with me during my recent travels with Unbound to the Philippines. I was able to witness there firsthand the amazing work being done by Unbound. I also had the unbelievable joy of meeting my own sponsored child and her family. I now know through this experience not only the blessings of Unbound sponsorship in the lives of children, but also the impact that sponsorship can have on those of us who become involved in Unbound's mission! We're thrilled to again be partnering with our friends at Unbound to be a part of their service to families around the world. Each month, Unbound joins us at CatholicMom.com to offer you the chance to partner tangibly with them by prayerfully considering sponsoring a child or aging friend. Lisa Hendey
Meet Damiana!
To sponsor Damiana (or other children), just click on this link!
Damiana is a beautiful eight-year-old girl growing up in Bolivia. She likes to draw and playing with her dolls. Her health is fair; she has cavities and frequent pain in her teeth. She helps her family at home by washing clothes.
Damiana lives with her father, mother, two brothers and three sisters. The family lives in a two bedroom facility where the father works. They sleep on wooden cots and straw mattresses and have no access to sanitary facilities. The children help the family by making bricks and washing clothes on weekends. This helps support the family and their education needs. The mother takes care of the little ones at home. Damiana’s parents work very hard to provide for the entire family but they struggle on a daily basis to provide some of their basic needs.
By sponsoring Damiana, she will begin to receive the tangible benefits such as education and nutrition. This will also provide the family to be fully integrated in a local caring community, with programs and services designed to improve their quality of life and empower them to break the cycle of poverty.
To sponsor Damiana (or other children), just click on this link!
Image copyright Unbound, used with permission
About the Author

Lisa M. Hendey
Lisa M. Hendey is the founder of CatholicMom.com, a bestselling author and an international speaker. A frequent radio and television guest, Hendey travels internationally giving workshops on faith, family, and communications. Visit Lisa at LisaHendey.com, on her Substack at LisaHendey.Substack.com, or on social media @LisaHendey for information on her speaking schedule or to invite her to visit your group, parish, school or organization. Find Lisa’s books on her Amazon author page.