
Who are We?

Who are we, as women, in the image and likeness of God, caught somewhere in between Eve and Mary? How can we be bold sojourners in this world, carving out our own destiny, while at the same time preserving our dignity and the gentleness of our nature? We ARE (with man), the crown of creation; endowed with freedom and the rationality to love and be loved, given dominion over all the earth, and the gift of generation through the model of God!

Well Now...What do We do with THAT?

If you think the above sounds like a tall order...it is. Maybe that's why it seems like we fail so often. I mean, just try telling my high-school self--with body image issues, a speckled greasy face, and the latest friendship drama, that all that is part of my dignity as a woman, in the image and likeness of Christ.

I. Don't. Think. So.

Fighting Society

Taking it down to the weeds, because let's face it, we are in them and can't always see the whole forest from the mud. From the moment of creation, of the VERY first woman, we have been under attack. More realistically, we are under attack ever time we get groceries and shield our eyes (and those of our children) from the many magazines, touting perfect dreams and bodies and lifestyles, that make us pause for just a moment to consider...what if?

What If?

What if I just ditch this minivan and head for the coast with nothing but my bathing suit and the clothes on my back? (Hope my husband's not reading this!)

Safeguarding the Secret

But I am truly called to something greater, and holiness is hard. Do you know that as woman you are called to safekeeping the secret of love and life? Do you know that you are in fact a target, and the goal is to degrade and obscure your feminine identity, and all its qualities and gifts? Do you know that you are a living reminder of the Blessed Mother, who reversed the fall of Eve with her "Yes" to God? Woman, do you know?

[Tweet "I am truly called to something greater, and holiness is hard."]

The Documentary

I am so blessed to have been part of this two-part documentary, which explores and celebrates the dignity and vocation of women, from the perspective of the perfect model: the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Reclaiming feminist ideologies, which have eroded the clarity of God's image in women, furthering us from our vocation to holiness.

"From Eve to Mary" offers a wide variety of testimonies from various experts in theology, philosophy, Biblical studies, marriage and the family, along with religious sisters, and mothers. And so, without further ado, I give you "From Eve to Mary:"


Copyright 2016 Kimberly Cook