Summer Survival Guide QOW Image via Flickr. Edited in Canva.

You've spent the day reading our Summer Survival Guide articles.

I hope the moms who have shared tips, tricks and survival strategies have inspired you to get your family's summer off to a great start! Now it's your turn.

What's your best summer survival strategy?

Here's mine. I made this when my younger son's friends would just show up all kinds of early in the morning--and they weren't old enough to read or tell time yet. While we weren't ready for company early in the morning, I couldn't tell them to wait until 10 AM. But they knew what a stop light is for. The flip side of this sign has the green circle colored in, with the message "Friends Welcome." They learned to check the sign on the doorknob before knocking.

(I still have the sign, but now that these guys are all teenagers, nobody's awake early enough in the morning for this to be an issue anymore!)

Copyright 2016 Barb Szyszkiewicz. All rights reserved. Copyright 2016 Barb Szyszkiewicz. All rights reserved.

What's your best summer-sanity strategy? Please share your answers and experiences in the comment box below.