Gospel Reflections 800x800 gold outline

Today's Gospel: Matthew 9, 9-13

Jesus came to call sinners. Let us reflect upon this a moment. In five short verses we learn how Jesus exercised his earthly ministry. He came to do the real work in the trenches, to call people to conversion by meeting them where they were, face to face.

Why was Matthew's calling delayed? Why not pursue him at the same time as Peter and the others? Church Father St. John Chrysostom tells us: "He came to each one at a particular time when he knew they would respond to him. He came at a different time to call Matthew when he was assured that Matthew would surrender to His call. Therefore he did not call them all together at the beginning when Matthew was still in a hardened condition. Rather only after countless miracles, after his fame had spread abroad did he call Matthew. He knew Matthew had been softened for full responsiveness."

Let us apply the calling of Matthew to our own lives. In the spirit of evangelization let us follow Jesus’ lead. While we are not performing any miracles, and our fame will not proceed us, we can still be little Christs to others by meeting people where they are, helping our neighbors and sacrificing for our friends, families and strangers alike. This is how we call the Matthews in their own lives to the Christian faith and this is how we can call the Matthews in our own lives.

As you head out the door today think of the Matthews in your own life who are hardened of heart. May your actions this day soften them and open them to Christ's call.


Pick out one Matthew in your life. How can you in your actions reflect Christ to them?


Dear Lord, I ask that you guide my actions this day and that you use them to call others closer to you. Amen.


Copyright 2016 Pete Socks

Pete Socks is the creator of the book review blog The Catholic Book Blogger on the Patheos Catholic channel. A self-proclaimed bibliophile, he enjoys reading the latest Catholic books and providing honest reviews, author interviews and giveaways. He makes his home in south central PA where he and his wife Laura raise their 5 children.