Gospel Reflections 800x800 gold outline

Today's Gospel: Matthew 13, 1-9

In Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis tells us that the Lord wants us to be fruitful. We must not grow impatient with the weeds that sprout up in our lives, but rather, find a way to let the Word take flesh.

And yet there are times when a spouse, a child, a parent or a friend seems oblivious to a situation. Is it just that they are too shallow to grasp what we have so carefully shown them? It is so much easier to just do things for them, to seize control of the situation and tie the shoelaces, do the laundry or homework.

The words that Jesus uses in today's reading call out to my life - I end up feeling "scorched", "withered", "choked".

Instead of rushing through and judging the growth of others, can we take to heart the wisdom of the Holy Father who invites all of us to "not grumble or overreact"? We can take time to reflect instead on our relationship with God- what type of soil have we prepared for the Word. Can we find the eternal happiness of fertile soil where that Word has taken root, and resist the temptation to smother the growth of others?


Do I find myself rushing through my prayer life, completing just one more task before getting distracted, or do I allow my life to be prayer?


Father, help us to notice the small seeds of faith in our life and the lives of those around us, and grant us the wisdom to patiently wait upon the fruits of that faith. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.


Copyright 2016 Holy Trinity Youth Ministry

Holy Trinity Parish is located in East Liverpool, Oh. The Youth Ministry group gathers on a regular basis for prayer, reflection, discussion and good food.