Gospel Reflections 800x800 gold outline

Today's Gospel: Luke 9, 18-22 - St. Pius of Pietrelcina

“He asked them, ‘Who do the crowds say that I am?...
Then He said to them, ‘But who do you say that I am?’”

What a natural human practice it is to focus on what others have to say about us. Popular opinion entices us. And we begin to understand our worth and identity only by these definitions. With our focus on others’ opinions and what is politically correct, we are led to conflicting and confusing ideas about ourselves.

The disciples give Jesus differing comments from the crowd about who He is. Then with great love and patience, Jesus acknowledges this tendency to look away from Him, and helps us to recognize it and its consequences. Could it be at this point they could see Him peering into their hearts and offering a way out of their confusion? He asks them to redirect their focus on Him, to look at Him, and not only know Him, but know themselves.

This is the great gift that comes from Jesus’ question- we find we want to ask Him the same"But Lord who do you say that I am?” Only in Christ do we find our true identity. Only in Christ do we know our true worth.


How have you received Jesus' invitation to understand your identity in Him?


Lord Jesus, peer into my heart, and help me take my focus off of the crowds and what the world has to say about me. I want to know who I am in your eyes!


Copyright 2016 Cindy Costello

Catholic wife and mom, Cindy Costello works as Coordinator of Marriage Ministry for the Diocese of Paterson, NJ. Using her instructor's certification from the Theology of the Body Institute in Downingtown, PA, she enjoys speaking and writing wherever the Holy Spirit leads her - parishes, retreats, family faith formations, and to the engaged. Married 30 years with 3 grown and 2 teenaged children, she weaves her prayer life into her life's experiences in order to share in the work of evangelizing the joy of the Catholic Faith.