Gospel Reflections 800x800 gold outline

Today's Gospel: John 1, 47-51 - Sts. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael

There is comfort in being known. I once attended a conference and the speaker was sharing the story of a friend whose mother had passed away. When asked at the time of loss what she had missed most about her mother, her reply was "I miss being known".

The intimate way a mother knows her child's heart is sacred. It is a divine gift that unfolds with the passing of time and maturing. To accept being known and loved unconditionally by our Lord is a natural consequence of strong belief and faith in God. We can at times find ourselves going about the ordinary circumstances of our lives with little thought of the depth of God's love for us and the intimate way that we are known by our Father.

To be known and to be seen genuinely by a God who loves us provides comfort like no other. There are certain moments, like that experienced by Nathaniel in today's Gospel when it seems our Lord makes visible the immensity of his presence in our lives. We can be provided with a sign of grace that enables us to welcome the invisible reality of Jesus and the potential of seeing "greater things". This sign offers us an opportunity to strengthen our faith, and to fine-tune any of the doubt that may still linger.


Jesus asks Nathanael, "Do you believe because I told you that I saw you under a fig tree?" Does our own faith depend upon expectations of answered prayers or tangible evidence? How do we accept being known and loved by God?


Lord, open our hearts and minds to accept the loving way that you call us yours. Increase our faith and through the intercession of our Blessed Mother help us to surrender with simplicity and trust. Amen


Copyright 2016 Catherine Spad

Catherine Spada is a public middle school educator and is currently loving her new role as a full-time mom. She enjoys giving presentations on chastity, and sharing the beauty of the faith through her blog entitled Sacred Sharings for The Soul. Catherine resides outside of Toronto with her husband and beautiful baby girl.