Gospel Reflections 800x800 gold outline

Today's Gospel: Luke 10, 13-16 - St. Jerome

Today the Church celebrates, St. Jerome. He was known for translating the Bible into Latin, a remarkable 30-year task. His translation, called the Vulgate, became the official text of the Catholic Church.

St. Jerome is also known for this spiritual gem: “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.”

In today's Gospel, we read Jesus' warning: “Whoever listens to you, listens to me. Whoever rejects you, rejects me. And whoever rejects me, rejects the one who sent me.”

The wisdom of St. Jerome made ever wiser by this recounting of Jesus' words in Luke's Gospel. How truly little I knew about Christ before reading the Bible, especially the Gospels. We, who were not privileged to live alongside Jesus, learn about him from his Word, as well as from the teaching of priests, catechists, parents, even faithful friends. How blessed we are to encounter Christ in the Scriptures, to come to know him and "the One that sent him." This gift, perhaps, would not have been possible without the hard work of St. Jerome. Alarming should be this warning from Jesus in Luke's Gospel that this ignorance Jerome spoke of runs far deeper than just being unaware of Christ. When we fail to hear and acknowledge Christ, we fail also to accept God the Father.

As we read the Gospels, we come to know Jesus, in His own words. While it is important to read commentaries and official church translations of the scriptures, it is equally beneficial to spend time personally contemplating God's word. To read and re-read a passage, like the daily Gospel, praying for the Holy Spirit to guide your reading and inspirations.


What has reflecting on today's Gospel taught you about Jesus and yourself?


May the Scriptures enlighten and instruct us. May we grow closer to Christ in our reading and reflecting on the Gospels. May our knowing of Him draw us ever closer to God, the one who set him.


Copyright 2016 Allison Gingras

Allison Gingras is founder of Reconciled To You and host of A Seeking Heart on Breadbox Media weekdays 10 am ET. Allison writes, speaks and shares about living an every life of faith. She created the "Words with" daily devotional App Series: Words with Jesus and offers presentations on Forgiveness; Trust; and the Blessed Mother.