Gospel Reflections 800x800 gold outline

Today's Gospel: Luke 10, 38-42 - St. Francis of Assisi

This is one of those passages that stings us to hear as wives and mothers. We feel for Martha, who, although probably preferring to sit at Jesus’ feet and listen to Him, felt that she could not in good conscience stay still and instead carried out her duties in anger and bitterness. Martha had missed the big picture: that in her own generosity she had welcomed the Lord Himself into her home and God had given her the privilege of waiting on Him! So soon after this great act of warmth and hospitality, Martha stumbles, hung up on the details and forgetting the miracle that was unfolding in her own home. We’ve all been Martha.

Jesus does not scold her for being obedient to her work. Instead, He criticizes her for losing focus of the end game: union with Him. Mary has forgotten everything, sitting rapt at His feet, and we are to do the same. The frustrations, humiliations, and weariness that come each day should be set aside so that we can be more attentive to Love who has deigned to come and rest in our home.

Today is the feast day of St. Francis. Francis, well known for his holy poverty, stripped himself of everything that would distract him from his sole purpose of loving and serving our Lord with his whole heart. He made himself small so that he could see the greatness of God all around him.


What can I do today to become little like Francis and Mary, (who literally crouched at Jesus’s feet!)? What would help me keep my eyes on Jesus when trials and fatigue come my way?


Sts. Martha, Mary, and Francis, you all learned to serve and love the Lord with your whole hearts. Please pray for us that we learn how to do the same!
Copyright 2016 Meg Matenaer

Meg Matenaer is a wife and stay-at-home mom of five from Wisconsin. When she's not writing for CatholicMom, Meg can be found wrestling toddlers at Mass or scraping oatmeal off her kitchen floor. Visit her blog at heavensinyourcorner.wordpress.com.