Gospel Reflections 800x800 gold outline

Today's Gospel: Luke 11, 15-26

Last night I was speaking with my mom, who is 101 years old, as if for the first time, about Mary's consent to carry Jesus despite likely rejection by Joseph and her family and community. She found her utterly amazing and inspiring! Here I am, sad to see Mom lose her memory, while she stands in wonder of a mystery of our salvation. Who's more in touch here?

As today we remember Mary, Mother of God, as Our Lady of the Rosary, the gospel is about the crowds' amazement at Jesus expelling a demon, being accused of being in cahoots with the demon-prince, Jesus casting out demons with God's power, God's kingdom being upon us, our being against him if we're not with him, and finally about the vigorous return of an unclean spirit, with reinforcements, to its former host.

We have a God-shaped void inside ourselves. If I don't let God fill it (i.e. if I try to fill it with something else), I'll end up worse off. May we follow Mary's example in preparing a place for God in our body, mind, and spirit.

Uncomfortable as I am before exorcism gospels, today's battle imagery reminds me of the Two Standards Meditation from St. Ignatius of Loyola's Spiritual Exercises; see Fr. Tetlow's reflection. May we make the right choice every day.

Celebrate Our Lady of the Rosary by listening to music for today's feast, and pray an audio rosary, here. And please pray for my mom in her amazement.


What's my deepest longing today, and how will I respond?


Mary, beg your Son to make me more like you, so my body, mind, and heart may truly welcome the Lord. Lord, as you fill me, help me to act as you lead me.


Copyright 2016 James R. Celoni

James R. Celoni is Technical Evangelist for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, music minister at St. Bede the Venerable parish, blogger of liturgicaldress.com linked to from CatholicMom.com, Bernardine's husband, Lucy's dad, and Estelle's son.