"Keep a cool head. Stay alert. The Devil is poised to pounce, and would like nothing better than to catch you napping. Keep your guard up. You’re not the only ones plunged into these hard times. It’s the same with Christians all over the world. So keep a firm grip on the faith. The suffering won’t last forever. It won’t be long before this generous God who has great plans for us in Christ—eternal and glorious plans they are!—will have you put together and on your feet for good. He gets the last word; yes, he does." <1 Peter 5:8-11 (The Message)>
Halloween is approaching and a lot of people will decorate their homes, schools, and offices. Candy will be consumed at a rate that would make any dentist cringe and prepare their drills and novocaine. Devils and goblins will make their way around the neighborhoods in search of the sugary abyss known as candy bowls.
Many of us have a distorted view of the Devil. We view him as an annoying pest that wears dark makeup and carries a plastic pitchfork. We also treat the Devil as a presence that is only around at Halloween and by November 1---he disappears into our storage box until next year. You might be wondering what the Devil has to do with women.
Blurred beauty.
This is not a fairy tale; this is reality! We live in a world of war. Good versus evil. Darkness versus light. We have a very blurry vision of what beauty looks like today---both inside and outside of the Church. As the Bible verse says above, “the Devil is waiting to pounce and catch you napping.” Ladies, how and where you find your worth says much about how you relate to God. If your earthly father was all about rules and looking righteous, you will believe that your Heavenly Father bases your worth on you “looking Holy.” If your earthly father was distant and never said “I love you,” then you will struggle to accept God’s love for you which is unconditional--no strings attached.
Additionally, no man (or woman) will complete you. None. (Note: If you've seen the movie “Jerry Maguire,” this is a myth).
God fulfills (and completes) us. A significant other might bring much joy to our lives but they cannot fully fulfill us. People and situations change. When you dated your spouse is much different than when you married your spouse. In an ever-changing world, the one constant is God’s view of you. You can venture far away from God and He still loves you. It is easy for women (and men) to dismiss God because we know His presence is always there. However, we miss out on God’s purpose and peace when we run away from Him.
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If you want to find beauty, find rest in God. The world has enough wannabes, copycats and apps for “that.” You might have concern over your appearance, but what about your heart? What are you feeding your soul? When you die, you will not be memorialized for your fashion sense, people will remember your words and actions. Let God work within you. You might have an outspoken faith or a soft-spoken journey; it does not matter. Your HEART MATTERS!
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.--Proverbs 4:23 (NIV)
Your worth is not based on how many child(ren) you have.
Your worth is not based on how much money you have.
Your worth is not based on how big your house is or is not.
Keep a cool head and stay alert.
You are worth it . . . to God.
Copyright 2016 Jason Weirich
About the Author

Jason Weirich
Jason is the founder of Java and Jesus. He loves Jesus, coffee, his wife & two children. He enjoys helping people experience freedom in Christ. Java and Jesus is a resource and not meant to be a replacement for the fellowship & community that one experiences in a church. Blogs, podcasts, & spiritual direction are a few of the resources that are offered by Java and Jesus.