I love summer. And I love fall. Every year, as summer gives in to fall, I have trouble deciding which I love more.
So many things I miss about summer. So many things I look forward to about fall.
Outside my window, lush green has become crisp and colored-in.
I’ve traded my iced tea and lemonade for steamy mugs of chamomile and chai.
My jeans & snuggly sweaters are getting fabulous reviews (from me :-) ) as they make their seasonal debut.
Baked winter squash and roasted root veggies have replaced the garden cucumbers, zucchini, and fresh summer salads.
We hung up our kayaks and fishing rods and went on a chilly hayride.
It's a process of letting go of one good thing in order to welcome another. Each ending...a beginning.
Don't the seasons handle transitions with such grace?
How gracefully and majestically autumn is ushered in.
A perfect invitation for us. An invitation to consider how we wish to handle the seasons and transitions in our lives. Seasons and transitions, we know, are inevitable. The opportunity before us is to bring our mindfulness and prayerfulness to each transition; so we too may usher in the new with grace.
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What transitions are you facing this fall?
A child off to college for the first time?
Or perhaps, Kindergarten?
Are you in job transition? Changing churches? Beginning a new ministry?
Engaging in a more healthy regimen? Coping with an illness? A loss, perhaps?
In the midst of every transition, God remains constant.
When uncertainty, new, or different have moved in and familiar or routine cannot be found, it helps me to remember that God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
God is here in today’s letting go. AND He’s already there in tomorrow’s new circumstances.
We serve ourselves well when we spend time with the Lord working through the inner changes that will best support the external or circumstantial changes. In transition times, I often find myself wondering...
What work is He up to in me now?
What strength will I gain as a result of this transition or trial?
What is He nudging me to let go of now?
And so I will leave you with these same three questions for your reflection. Click on the card below, print it out, and keep it close at hand.
Wishing you God's overflowing grace to supply all your transitional needs.
Copyright 2016 De Yarrison
About the Author
De Yarrison
De guides women along the journey to spiritual and emotional healing, through coaching, deliverance prayer, and healing retreats. At YouAreMadeNew.com, De walks alongside women as we grow, heal, and discover the abiding presence of Christ within our own hearts. De invites you to join the Catholic women’s community, Hope’s Garden, which she cofounded.