Advent Wreath Linkup Via Flickr (2009), all rights reserved.

A few years back, readers shared their Advent wreaths with a blog linkup. We'd love to invite our readers and contributors to share photos and stories of their Advent wreaths again this year!

On Wednesday, November 30 we'll invite everyone to join in this fun Advent feature.

This time, we're opening the linkup to all social media, not just blogs. You can share your Advent-wreath photo on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and still participate! We'll have instructions for how to share links to your social-media photos in our linkup post on Wednesday.

In the meantime, get your camera or smartphone ready and be sure to use the hashtag #adventwreathcm for your social-media posts!

[Tweet "Join our Advent wreath linkup Wed. 11/30! Blogs, social media posts welcome #adventwreathcm"] Advent Wreath Linkup Via Flickr (2009), all rights reserved.


Copyright 2016 Barb Szyszkiewicz, OFS