The GPS led me down the road, another right and my destination would be on my left. I pulled up to the old brick two-story house. The house address was lit by the porch light. Glancing up between the oaks in the front yard was something like an old-time bay window. I could see her sitting there in the window by the light of the room shimmering through the antique leaded glass. She greeted me on her front steps and welcomed me into her abode. The room was precious: two chairs, candles, books, a cross, and the beautiful leaded-glass windows. It was a warm and cozy room with a feeling of acceptance and kindness. I took the comfy chair and she took the chair closest to the window and we entered into my newest adventure, a spiritual journey with a companion -- a spiritual director!
We talked about our backgrounds, my life in faith and how I have experienced God. She listened intently. It was such a treat to have someone’s full attention without any distractions for either of us. Natasha was an excellent listener. My stories spilled forth from childhood to now. As she listened I could see her eyes concentrating and soaking it all in. She reflected back to me that I hear God’s voice more in my writing than anywhere else in my life. She noted that my writing has been weaved through my entire journey with God. I began writing poems in the 3rd grade the first one had this line in it, “Is there a heaven or a hell. No one has come back yet to tell.” Through my high school stage of doubt in God, which was resolved when I wrote an English essay and found that I still believed but was just angry with God for the pain I saw a loved one endure. I have journaled since I was 15 every night and every journal has always ended with, “God be with us always.” To the blogs I write daily, all the way to the meditations I write for my students. God’s voice is the strongest in my writing. I suppose that is why I can never stop writing, it is my lifeline, my touch stone, a communication with God, a way for God to use me as his instrument of truth and life. Natasha is Good!
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We laughed lots, and I had moments of revelation. We will meet once a month. No homework, no working on changing or bettering something. Instead two people as companions sharing a journey with God walking right in the middle. In a cozy, comfy, peaceful place, filled with God’s spirit. She ended with a short poem about waiting, being ok with our incompleteness and having the patience to wait and to live in the present moment. It was beautiful; the poem, the place, the conversation, Natasha’s soul, this encounter.
God provides opportunities for us every moment and most of the time we miss them because we are searching for a different opportunity. Today, slow down, take a deep breath, and open your heart to see what opportunity God is sharing with you today on your journey of faith.
Copyright 2017 Lori Hadorn-Disselkamp
About the Author

Lori Hadorn-Disselkamp
Lori Hadorn-Disselkamp - mom of 4 teens/wife for 20+ years. Lori has been writing at her own website Faith Filled Mom. She writes about the journey of faith we live daily and the ability to recognize God. She is a retreat director at Sacred Heart Academy HS. She just earned her MA in Pastoral Ministry as well as a certification in spiritual direction.