Today's Gospel: Luke 16:19-31

The rich man was not an evil person. He seemed to live a good life. He lacked for nothing, but as Lazarus lay dying outside the rich man’s house, he was ignored by all, except for the dogs who licked his wounds.

When they died, Lazarus went to heaven. The rich man did not.

The rich man saw Lazarus with Abraham, and he begged for mercy in his sufferings. Abraham reminded the rich man that he had not shown Lazarus mercy and, now, did not merit a drop of water. The rich man, now the poorest of the poor, begged mercy for his brothers. Abraham reminded the rich man, that his brothers had Moses and the prophets. Nothing else was needed. The rich man, who had not extended mercy to Lazarus, merited his just reward. Lazarus, in his great sufferings, merited heaven.

Each day the grace of mercy flows from God to us. We choose to receive and use that grace or not. I pray for God’s mercy, and with that prayer, I must extend God’s Mercy to my sisters and brothers in Christ.

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Do you pray for God’s mercy? Do you use God’s mercy to show others the love of God?


Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me, a sinner.


Copyright 2017 Mallory Hoffman

I am a cradle Catholic, and, in spite of my rebellious youth, I am back within the embrace of the Church. Someone, somewhere, prayed for me. I am a widow and mother of two grown children. In my free time, I write, make lampwork glass beads, and am learning to sculpt with polymer clay. I am blessed. God is good.

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