Today's Gospel: Matthew 21:33-43, 45-46

The future is bright, great things await us. Those who are different, the unwashed, rejected and awkward, will they be left out? Do we really want to share or is the harvest only for us?

Matthew tells us today of landowner who trusted his vineyard to greedy tenants. He continued to send servants to gather his produce and each time they went, they were met with a violent response. This parable was spoken by Jesus to the chief priests and elders, the very people who might be considered caretakers of the vineyard of the Lord. Their response was predictable, an anger that sent them forth to arrest Jesus, and a fear of the crowd that caused them to back off.

There are those among us, crusted by the salt of living, that solidly stand for good. Not boldly proclaiming their greatness but quietly living lives of justice and truth. The Kingdom of God is taken from the tenants who felt entitled because they didn't know what to do with it and only wanted to keep it for themselves. We are called to recognize the giver of all good gifts and the master of the harvest.

Oscar Romero reminds us that "We are workers, not master builders, ministers, not messiahs." May we always have the wisdom to allow God to work in us and through us.

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What are the things that you hide behind walls, threatening all who may come to you?


God of wisdom, may we truly understand not only the need to sow seeds, but also to work together to gather.


Copyright 2017 Holy Trinity Youth Ministry

Holy Trinity Youth Ministry meets in East Liverpool, Ohio to pray, reflect, serve and eat good food. Our activities can be followed on Facebook.

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