Today's Gospel: John 3:1-8
Nicodemus comes in the night, in the dark, to embrace the Light. He acknowledges Jesus as a teacher from God — and Nicodemus is not alone in this understanding. Nicodemus is a ruler of the Jews. A group in his flock see the truth of the Messiah in their midst. Nicodemus said to Jesus “…we know…”
Nicodemus also comes in the night so he will not be seen. The culture of his day sees Jesus as a threat — much in the same way our culture today sees Christianity as a threat. Yet Nicodemus has the wisdom, from the Holy Spirit, to know the truth of Christ. A truth that threatens his livelihood, his family, his reputation! Still, Nicodemus comes to Jesus to learn and understand — calling Him Rabbi.
Part of what Nicodemus learns is the distinction of flesh and spirit; what is flesh - hunger, pain, sight, physical longings — is not what connects us to God, though may lead us to Him. It is the longing of our soul, to be willing to risk all, to find our God, that draws us near to the Light and enlightens.
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Have there been times when you’ve felt uncomfortable or even feared being found out to be a Catholic? How did you respond to the situation?
Jesus, you call us from the comfort of our life to follow your Light in a world that finds Christianity a threat. Give me the courage to seek you through whatever darkness surrounds me.
Copyright 2017 Margaret Rose Realy, Obl. OSB
About the Author
Margaret Rose Realy, Obl. OSB
Margaret Rose Realy, Obl. OSB lives an eremitic life and authored A Garden Catechism, A Catholic Gardener’s Spiritual Almanac, A Garden of Visible Prayer: Creating a Personal Sacred Space One Step at a Time, and Cultivating God’s Garden through Lent. An award-winning author, Margaret has a master’s degree in communications, is a Certified Greenhouse Grower, Master Gardener, liturgical garden consultant, and workshop/retreat leader.