Today's Gospel: John 6:60-69

The words that had scandalized so many that day were about the Eucharist. After the miracle of the multiplication of loaves, the crowd followed Jesus to see what He would do next. Then He told them that He was the living bread, that He would give His own flesh for the life of the world.

That was too much for them and many left Jesus. Therefore, Jesus asked His closest friends, His apostles, if they too wanted to live. Peter's answer reflects the thoughts of many of us today. Even if Jesus' teachings are hard to understand and to follow, where should we go? We've come to believe that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life!

Another wonderful thing we learn from this passage is that if we believe in Jesus, we are His friends; not because of our own merits, but because the Father enabled us and has chosen us to stay close to Jesus, to learn from Him and especially to spread the Good News all around.

But why me? Why you? Why not the atheist next door? I'm sure in God's plan we are all invited to get to know Jesus and to follow Him. But some of us are called sooner than others, and we should help Him get all His children to the wedding feast of the Lamb! We should know that everybody is invited, but not everyone will accept the invitation, since we all have our free will. Our job is to try to show all the beauty of Jesus' teachings, even if they are sometimes hard to follow. The only thing He has in mind is our happiness, and everything He teaches is for our own good.

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Do I acknowledge that God has chosen me to be Jesus' close friend? How am I fulfilling my call to help myself and others get to Heaven?


Dear Lord, thank you so much for choosing me to be Your friend, to know Your word, to follow Your way. Thank You so much for loving me above all things. Help me fulfill the mission You gave me when you created me. Amen.


Copyright 2017 Flávia Ghelardi

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