tech talk redesign

One of the fun things I get to do once school is out is play on Pinterest. A couple of weeks ago, I found some cool, proactive pins ranging from how to give a proper apology to how to get unstuck from parenting struggles. They all had the same look and style, and it took nothing more than the powers of observation to lead me to the source.


According to the site (

Unstuck launched in 2012 with a free app for iPad. Nearly 1 million have downloaded it, but it turned out that people without iPads felt left out. So we created a web app version that works on all devices. The app is a great place to start understanding what gets you stuck and how to get going again.

"Tech Talk: Getting Unstuck" by Lisa Hess ( Screen capture from

At Unstuck, you can find quizzes, advice, courses and even Unstuck Tip Card decks. The site (or app) can help you get unstuck from a variety of situations, such as procrastination, negativity, relationship issues and work dilemmas.

[tweet "Stuck in a rut in your life, work or parenting? @L2Hess recommends @unstuck"]

Did I mention that I wish I’d thought of this?

Never has getting unstuck looked so fun and easy. Unstuck views getting stuck not as a crisis, but as a normal part of life -- something that happens to everyone. The materials are practical, clear, logical and easy to follow, not to mention non-judgmental. The site has been featured in a wide variety of publications, from Entrepreneur to Teen Vogue to the New Yorker.

Unfortunately, it's quite possible that merely exploring the site will get you stuck in a whole new way, as you navigate all the possibilities Unstuck has to offer. But, not only has getting stuck never been so much fun, this is one site that is sure to provide a road map that will help you navigate out of it.



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Copyright 2017 Lisa Hess